Hello! Thanks for checking out my blog. I am constantly writing in my head and I finally decided it was time to get those thoughts converted to the written word.  One of the main things I write, while not at all literary, is lists. I’m kind of a freak about writing it down and crossing it off. Yes, I’m one of those weirdos who writes something I’ve already done down on a list just so I can cross it off.  In fact, my new favorite app is Wunderlist, an app that allows me to make lists, share them with others, add notes, links, photos, etc., and of course, check things off.

Since I’m such a fan of lists, I’ll use that format to tell you more about me.Guyla

Things I’m into:

  1. Writing
  2. Reading (especially mysteries)
  3. Photography
  4. Travelling
  5. Segway tours
  6. Art History
  7. Movies and theater
  8. Music
  9. Scrapbooking
  10. Stationary (I have an addiction to paper and pens)
  11. Missions trips

People I love:

  1. God
  2. Two sons
  3. A daughter
  4. A daughter-in-love
  5. A granddaughter
  6. Parents
  7. Two sisters
  8. Two brothers-in-law
  9. Five nephews
  10. Four nieces
  11. Innumerable cousins, aunts and uncles
  12. Lots of friends

That whole love of reading and writing thing has resulted in a bit of education:

  1. Bachelor’s in Humanities and Fine Arts with an Emphasis in English
  2. Master’s in Journalism
  3. Seriously considering starting on a Doctorate in Strategic Leadership

Where I go everyday:

  1. Starbucks where I pay them for overpriced lattes
  2. Wyoming Association of REALTORS where they pay me to do fun things like plan conferences, write policy manuals, and travel

Obviously, you can’t really know someone just from a few lists, but the things itemized above will most likely show up a lot in future blog posts. 🙂 It’s a wild, crazy, happy, sad, peaceful, stressful life we all live. We’re all looking for that day when we can do what we want and find serenity. The key, however, is not waiting anymore. Why wait to do what we want so long that we run out of time? Why live our whole lives seeking peace instead of enjoying it, even if it’s only small amounts smattered amongst the stress?

So now that you know a little bit about me, I hope you’ll join me on my journey to just do me while you do you.

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